The Intercontinental Journal of Emergency Medicine aims to publish issues related to all fields of emergency medicine and all specialties involved in the management of emergencies in the hospital and prehospital environment of the highest scientific and clinical value at an international level and accepts articles on these topics.

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Cover and Contents

Full Issue

: 540 : 208

Citation : Karaca Bent İ, Köşlük Gürler H, Ekinci O. A comparison of the effects of succinylcholine and rocuronium on recovery time from anesthesia and vital signs in electroconvulsive therapy. Intercont J Emerg Med. 2024;2(1):1-5.

Original Article - Emergency Medicine

The new biomarker that predicts in-hospital mortality in myocardial infarction: glucose/potassium ratio

: 932 : 221

Citation : Kadıoğlu E, Karaman S, Acar D, et al. The new biomarker that predicts in-hospital mortality in myocardial infarction: glucose/potassium ratio. Intercont J Emerg Med. 2024;2(1):6-10.

Original Article - Emergency Medicine

Comparative analysis of codes white given by the emergency departments of two different third level hospitals in Ankara

: 545 : 234

Citation : Danışık MY, Özensoy HS, Kahraman FA, et al. Comparative analysis of white codes given by the emergency departments of two different third level hospitals in Ankara. Intercont J Emerg Med. 2024;2(1):11-15.

Original Article - Emergency Medicine

: 893 : 205

Citation : Şaşmaz Mİ, Demir B. Infectious causes and outcomes of patients with high fever in the emergency department. Intercont J Emerg Med. 2024;2(1):16-19.

Case Report - Oral Implantology

: 724 : 277

Citation : Akan AŞ. An atypical presentation of normal pressure hydrocephalus: a detailed case study of Hakim-Adams syndrome in a young adult. Intercont J Emerg Med. 2024;2(1):20-21.

Case Report - Emergency Medicine

Chronic aortic dissection in the emergency department: a case report

: 1516 : 272

Citation : Çamcı M, Gökhan Ş, Kahraman FA. Chronic aortic dissection in the emergency department: a case report. Intercont J Emerg Med. 2024;2(1):22-24.