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Infection diseases that can be seen post-earthquake
Due to uncontrolled urbanization and rapid population growth, earthquakes can have major effects on human life, society and economic systems. Infectious diseases can be seen depending on the factors that facilitate the development of infection in the long term after earthquakes. Lack of clean water, food and hygiene are important causes of infectious disease for individuals. Problems in the city’s mains systems such as water and electricity are also among the reasons that increase the possibility of infectious disease. Lack of adequate medication may cause delays in treatment. For this reason, the surveillance of infectious diseases, which increased after the earthquake, has an important place in the fight against infectious diseases and epidemics. Earthquakes can lead to an increase in latent infections such as skin and soft tissue infections, gastroenteritis caused by contaminated food and water, respiratory system infections transmitted by droplets, rash diseases, meningitis, and tuberculosis due to limited treatments.

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Volume 1, Issue 1, 2023
Page : 4-10